photo: Joe Navas

photo: Joe Navas

Whew everyone, the world is really on a roll. I hope you’re hanging in there and remembering to take a few deep breaths every now and then.

Thanks for all your nice notes about the new song. If you haven’t heard “Wind’s Gonna Find a Way” yet, you can listen anywhere you stream or download music, or watch the video here. I appreciate all of you who’ve added it to your streaming playlists, which really helps the music find its way around - both directly, from human to human, and also via the mysteries of the almighty algorithm.

The full album Long Day in the Milky Way comes out next month, and right now you have a few more days to jump on the Friends & Fans Preorder on Bandcamp, which continues through Monday, July 6th. On the preorder page, you can get advance copies of the new album in digital, CD, or LP formats, signed or unsigned. There are a few extra offerings too, like a 3-LP set of all the records I’ve pressed to vinyl (including Long Day), handwritten lyrics to any KD song, and private online house concerts. You can also purchase any of these things as a gift to be sent to someone else, to brighten up their summer hunkering.

These advance sales are incredibly helpful in terms of funding the record, and I’m grateful to everyone who’s gotten on board with the preorder. Given the chaotic state of the world, I opted not to launch a full-blown crowdfund for this one, but I still have steep recording costs to chip away at, and thanks to all of you we’re slowly getting there. If you’re someone who likes to get your ears on the songs early, and/or you just want to help support the making of music in a challenging time, head to the preorder page and check it out.

Oh and tomorrow, Friday the 3rd, Bandcamp is graciously waiving their fees to help support artists, so if you’ve been meaning to preorder, that would be an especially useful day to do it.

Thanks so much for all the support and kindness folks, I appreciate it more than I can express. Remember to take a little time out to do summery things like naps, popsicles, and tanning the top half of your face.

Yours halfway through the year, *kd

Donation links:
KD Venmo: @Kris-Delmhorst
KD Paypal
KD Online Tip Jar