
Hello from what passes for spring in New England! In the last week we’ve had half a foot of snow, an earthquake, and a eclipse. Makes you start to wonder if someone’s trying to tell us something. Anyway I’m writing to alert you to a few shows and catch you up.

NORTHWEST SHOWS // I flew home from my last Northwest tour in early March 2020 with inklings that things were about to get weird. If you’d told me it would be four years before I made it back there I wouldn’t have believed you, but here we are! This spring I continue to be mostly off the road working on recording projects, but I noticed a little empty space in the calendar and decided to grab my chance to reunite with Austin Nevins and play a few shows in the northwest corner.

We’ll start out at the Cravin’ Gravy Social Club in Portland, OR on Thursday, April 25. Since decided to do this trip very late in the game, all the Portland venues we could think of were already booked up, and it seemed we might have go Portland-less *until* our friends at Fluff & Gravy Records rode up on their white horse and offered to host us at their groovy, intimate HQ/clubhouse. It’s the perfect place to do this show and I can’t wait to drag my jetlagged self there and play some songs with Austin (Portlander, well-rested) on guitar.

Then we’ll scoot up I-5 and play Saturday April 27 in Seattle, WA at Ballard Homestead. Seattle was one of my earliest non-New England outposts when I first started touring back in the 1900’s…my first booking agent was based there, and I think I’ve played practically every club in town over the years. We’ve had fun times playing at the Homestead and I can’t wait to be there again.

We’ll round up this grueling tour Sunday April 28 in Bellingham, WA at the New Prospect Theatre. This is such a nice room and we loved playing here last time (when it was called the Sylvia). Bellingham is the first place I ever saw the Pacific Ocean (ok not technically the ocean per se but it’s the same damn water and it was close enough to count) and it’s always had a special little glow in my heart.

The thing about this little tourlet is, we have our work cut out for us trying to fill these rooms on such short notice. Please help by coming to the shows, and bringing your friends and your mom and your co-worker’s dogsitter. And we appreciate for any help with alerting the masses! I can’t wait to be in one of my most beloved parts of the country and play old and new songs for northwesterners. People who live Everywhere Else, I’ll be on the lookout for other moments I can grab for quick visits this year - with much more legit touring to come in 2025.


RECORDS IN PROGRESS // I’m currently the proud custodian of two new records, both in the late stages of mixing, both coming to your ears at some point in the not-all-that-distant future. I tracked one batch of new songs in Maine in November, and a different batch with a different band in Nashville in January, and I’m so excited about both projects! I wish I could share them right this very minute, however these things take forever, so I’m doing my best to sit on my hands and not share too many details.

I do dish out extra tidbits over on Patreon - for instance, many of the new songs showed up there in demo form well before the recordings happened, and I recently shared some behind-the-scenes video from the Nashville session - so if you’re interested in getting glimpses of the process as it unfolds, and/or want to help pay for this recording bonanza, you can join me over there. It’s a nice friendly neighborhood.

May your respective springs unfold gloriously and I hope to see some of you in a couple weeks! *kd